Fast Learning from Answer Sets

The Ubuntu version of the latest FastLAS release can be downloaded from We recommend that you copy it to somewhere in your PATH (for example, /usr/local/bin/). You will also need to download and copy it to somewhere in your PATH.

Instructions for running FastLAS 1

After copying FastLAS to your PATH, you will be able to call FastLAS by running FastLAS learning_task.las for any FastLAS learning task. There are many examples of valid FastLAS learning tasks here.

Instructions for running FastLAS 2

After copying FastLAS to your PATH, you will be able to run the latest version of the original FastLAS algorithm by running FastLAS --opl learning_task.las for any FastLAS learning task. To run FastNonOPL, use FastLAS --nopl learning_task.las. There are many examples of valid FastLAS2 learning tasks here.